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目的:通过文献探析中医治疗多囊卵巢综合征(PCOS)的证型分布及临床用药规律。方法:检索2003年至2018年1月1日中国期刊全文数据库(CNKI)、万方、维普3个中文数据库中相关中医治疗PCOS的临床研究文献,建立中医治疗PCOS的整体证型及临床用药数据库,并对数据进行处理、分析。结果:①共纳入符合标准的文献252篇,方剂284首;②涉及证型共37种,其中常见证型为肾虚血瘀证、痰湿证、肾虚痰瘀证,共占43.31%;③涉及病位要素以肾为主,其次为肝、脾;涉及病性要素以血瘀、痰、湿为主;④涉及药物193味,按功效共分为16类,补虚药占41.44%,活血化瘀药占16.20%,化痰祛湿药占14.90%;⑤中医治疗PCOS药性以温、平为主,药味以甘为主,辛、苦次之。结论:PCOS病因病机复杂,以肾虚为本,血瘀、痰湿为标,治疗以补肾活血、化湿祛痰为主。  相似文献   
Background: The effectiveness of any national healthcare system is highly correlated with the strength of primary care within that system. A strong research basis is essential for a firm and vibrant primary care system. General practitioners (GPs) are at the centre of most primary care systems.

Objectives: To inform on actions required to increase research capacity in general practice, particularly in low capacity countries, we collected information from the members of the European General Practice Research Network (EGPRN) and the European World Organization of Family Doctors (Wonca).

Methods: A qualitative design including eight semi-structured interviews and two discursive workshops were undertaken with members of EGPRN and Wonca Europe. Appreciative inquiry methods were utilized. Krueger’s (1994) framework analysis approach was used to analyse the data.

Results: Research performance in general practice requires improvements in the following areas: visibility of research; knowledge acquisition; mentoring and exchange; networking and research networks; collaboration with industry, authorities and other stakeholders. Research capacity building (RCB) strategies need to be both flexible and financially supported. Leadership and collaboration are crucial.

Conclusion: Members of the GP research community see the clear need for both national and international primary care research networks to facilitate appropriate RCB interventions. These interventions should be multifaceted, responding to needs at different levels and tailored to the context where they are to be implemented.  相似文献   

健康状态的辨识是把握健康的前提。当前学界已存在专家辨识模式、标准辨识模式、数字辨识模式、智能辨识模式以及微观辨识模式等。联合多种辨识方法,构建健康状态辨识体系,形成常态与动态结合、主观与客观结合、人机互参的中医健康状态个体化辨识方法是研究的趋势所在。文章对未来的研究方向进行展望,探讨了多元辨识模式、远程辨识模式、终身辨识模式、自动辨识模式的思路方法,以期促进全民健康事业,助力"健康中国"战略。  相似文献   
循证医学模式的引入使得恶性肿瘤中医治疗的有效性有了新的阐述途径,同时也对中医疗效评价体系提出了更高的要求。基于患者的自身感受,医师望闻问切四诊等得到的主观信息是主观疗效评价的重要组成方面,一直以来都是中医疗效评价的重要手段,其由单一的症状是否好转的评价发展至多重症状是否改善、整体生活质量是否提高等的评价方式,主观疗效评价的方式越来越丰富,也越来越规范,文章就目前主观疗效评价在中医药领域的研究现状及进展展开综述。  相似文献   
背景 随着人口老龄化进程的加快,包括痴呆在内的老年人健康问题日益突出。轻度认知障碍作为阿尔茨海默病的临床前阶段,早已成为研究者关注的热点。但是目前尚缺乏对我国轻度认知障碍研究热点的整理与分析。目的 分析2008-2018年我国轻度认知障碍研究的热点,了解该领域的现状和发展趋势。方法 2019年6月,以“轻度认知障碍”为关键词,采用主题检索的方式,在中国期刊网全文数据库(CNKI)中进行检索,检索时间为2008-2018年,文献来源类别限定为SCI来源文献、EI来源期刊、核心期刊、中文社会科学引文索引(CSSCI)以及中国科学引文数据库(CSCD)。采用中医药数据关联分析平台(XMiner软件)、SPSS 22.0统计学软件、Excel软件对关键词进行词频分析和共词聚类分析。结果 最终纳入符合标准的文献413篇,获得高频关键词41个(g=41)。通过共词聚类分析总结出2008-2018年我国轻度认知障碍的7个研究热点,分别为轻度认知障碍的病因学研究、神经心理评估及筛查研究、诊断及分类研究、干预研究、流行病学研究、精神行为症状研究、生物标志物及中医证候研究。结论 2008-2018年我国轻度认知障碍的研究热点分别为轻度认知障碍的病因学研究、神经心理评估及筛查研究、诊断及分类研究、干预研究、流行病学研究、精神行为症状研究、生物标志物及中医证候研究,该分析结果有助于广大卫生服务人员了解该领域的现状和发展趋势,且对其今后的研究方向有一定的指导作用。  相似文献   
黄芪始载于《神农本草经》,有补气升阳、益卫固表,利水消肿,托毒生肌之效。被誉为补气健脾之要药,临床上常用于气虚乏力、脾虚泄泻等疾病,已为医者所熟知。近年来,研究学者围绕其补气、健脾、利水功效机制已有较全面的认识。然陶弘景在《本草经集注》首载黄芪"逐五脏间恶血",表明本品兼有活血作用。目前,对于本品活血作用机制阐释,中医常基于"补气活血""气行血行"理论进行论证,但并不等同于本品无活血作用。通过梳理历代本草文献中对黄芪的记载,发现其活血作用应用广泛。综合传统方剂与现代方剂中有关其活血作用的应用,本品在方中行活血通络、活血利水、活血扶正作用,尤能体现其活血作用。且现代药理学研究在有关瘀血病理指标的分子机制中,黄芪有很好的调控作用,表明黄芪有活血作用,但未深入探究,存在研究价值。该文从历代文献对黄芪活血功效的论述、黄芪活血作用的临床应用及现代药理学研究深入探讨其活血作用机制,以期扩展黄芪的临床应用范围,为临床治疗提供理论指导。  相似文献   
经典名方地黄饮子现代临床应用广泛,治疗多科疾病,尤其是内科病中的神经系统疾病较多,临床疗效确切,但目前尚未转化成中成药制剂。故笔者采用文献计量学的方法,搜集记载地黄饮子的中医古籍文献,筛选、整理出有效数据254条,涉及中医古籍144部,系统梳理和分析研究了地黄饮子的历史发展源流、主治病证、制方原理、用药剂量、制剂方法、煎服方法等,以期为经典名方的研发和临床应用提供古代文献证据支持。研究发现,地黄饮子出自金代医家刘河间所著《宣明论方》,由熟地黄、巴戟天、山茱萸、肉苁蓉、石斛、附子、五味子、官桂、白茯苓、麦门冬、藏菖蒲、远志12味药物组成,主治喑痱。后世记载的地黄饮子多遵从《宣明论方》中的方剂组成和主治,且临床应用有所扩展,在有主治病证记载的199条文献中,喑痱最多,约占总病证的一半;其次为中风,约占五分之二;亦用于暴喑、痿证、眩晕、遗尿等病证。地黄饮子治疗病证范围较广,但病机总属"肾中水火俱亏"。其制方独特,上下并治,标本兼顾,尤以治下治本为主。在有药物用量记载的56条文献中,约有三分之一继承了《宣明论方》的记载:"等分,上为末,每服3钱。"药物用量总体偏轻。制剂多为汤剂、煮散,在煎服方法上主张"浊药轻投""数滚即服""不计时候"。  相似文献   
目的探讨腹腔镜全胃切除术与传统开腹全胃切除术对Ⅰ期胃癌的近期疗效。方法回顾性分析89例肿瘤位于近端胃的Ⅰ期胃癌,并且行全胃切除术的患者。按照手术方式不同分为腹腔镜组(47例)和开腹组(42例)。通过观察两组患者手术时间、出血量、术后病理相关指标、术后并发症、术后首次进食流质饮食时间及术后住院天数,比较两种手术方式的近期疗效。结果两组患者基线资料对比差异无统计学意义,具有可比性。与开腹组相比,腹腔镜组患者手术时间更长,但术中出血量、术后首次进食流质饮食时间、术后住院天数、术后并发症发生率及并发症等级均低于开腹组(P<0.05)。结论腹腔镜全胃切除术能够在保证Ⅰ期的近端胃癌患者手术安全性的同时,降低患者术中出血量、进食流质饮食时间、术后住院时间及术后并发症。  相似文献   
The National Institute for Health Research (NIHR) aims to improve national ‘health and wealth' by providing infrastructural support to enable clinical research in National Health Service settings in England and Wales. Cognisant of the consequences of studies' failure to achieve required numbers of participants, it also actively campaigns to promote patient awareness of research, and willingness to participate in trials. In this paper, we analyse recent NIHR campaigns and policies designed to encourage patients to participate in clinical research to interrogate how they are implicated in the national bioeconomy. In doing so we expand the notion of ‘clinical labour' to include the work of patient recruitment and highlight an emergent obligation on patients to contribute to research processes. Whereas once patient knowledge and experience may have been devalued, here we draw on the concept of ‘assetisation' (Birch 2012) to explore the emergent relationship between healthcare system and patient as research participant. We consider how patients' contribution goes beyond the provision of standardised objects of valuation so that patients themselves may be perceived as assets to, not only recipients of, the national healthcare system.  相似文献   
This paper is built upon an assumption: that social theory can be generated through a meaningful engagement with a co‐researcher group of disabled young people. Our co‐researchers are theoretical provocateurs and theorists in their own right who, through their activism and writing, are challenging us to reconsider the meaning of life, death and disability. Their work on our funded Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC) project has enabled us to consider the promise and potential of humanist and posthuman epistemologies, theories, methodologies, interventions and activisms. The paper introduces the research, the authors of this paper (academics and co‐researchers) and then explores three layers of analysis that work the edges of posthuman thinking; sovereign and assembled selves; affects and desires; mourning and affirmation. We conclude by asserting that as a research team we are engaging with a DisHuman approach to theory and activism: one that blends the pragmatics of humanism with posthuman possibilities.  相似文献   
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